Sunday, July 24, 2011
18 1/2 Weeks!
Here is my 18 1/2 week belly shot....can you tell a difference from the last photo? I can hardly believe that I am this far along, but at the same time I wish I was further! I can't wait to get these little guys here and hold them! I guess another reason I an eager for time to go by is that I broke out in this horrible rash that covers the trunk of my body. I got it when we first moved here and we thought it was PUPP (it has a huge scientific name which I am not going to attempt to type). It went away after about 7 days, so then we thought it might have just been an allergic reaction to some new lotion I was using. However, the nasty thing is back:( It is the most miserable thing ever and the only cure for it is to deliver the baby. We have learned that it is most common in first pregnancies, when you are having a boy or with multiples. DING DING DING DING!!!! I'm a winner!!! I have all three of those.....ugh. Thankfully it hasn't spread down my legs or arms, so it is mostly covered up when I am in public. However, because clothes irritate it, I am in shorts and a tank top most of the time when I am home. I am desperate and this is one thing that brings relief. It itches and burns non stop. Heat irritates it. Clothes irritate it and anything touching my skin irritates it. I have to keep myself constantly covered in this nasty menthol lotion or else I want to pull out my hair and scratch off my skin. Sorry for too much detail......Other than that, I can't complain at all about pregnancy. I was finally able to get more than an hour of sleep last night which was wonderful!!! I fly to St. George this week and am excited to see my new doctor on Friday!!! I can't wait to get another good and detailed look at my boys!
My cute friend April (new friend whose husband is a third year student), brought this up to our house a couple of nights ago. Her mom wanted to help out in some way, so she sent money to April to buy a whole bunch of things for the boys. We were so surprised!!!! I can't believe how generous of a gift this was. This helped us out so much. She brought diapers, wipes, clothes, blankets, bottles, bath supplies, a bath tub, toys, pacifiers, lotion, diaper rash cream, bibs and burp clothes. I can't thank her enough for her thoughtfulness and generosity. Thanks to Mrs. Ashby, our boys will have a good start on many necessary items. I was also thrown another shower here before I left by the dental school wives. April hosted it at her house and it was wonderful!!! They all chipped in and got the boys a gift card to Babies R Us! What fun girls I have to come back to when we bring the boys back! Once again, I can't believe how thoughtful they all were. I didn't know one of them, yet they gave up their Saturday afternoon and paid a $6.00 toll to cross the Golden Gate Bridge to come to a baby shower for a girl they didn't know. They each offered their help when the boys get back as well. What sweethearts! I can't even begin to describe all the many ways the Lord has blessed us not only in life general, but with these sweet boys I am carrying. Jacob and I have been absolutely amazed by the blessings we have received through all of this from the very beginning. It has strengthened our relationship as husband and wife as well as with the Lord and all those who have helped in any way.
Lastly, I wanted to make sure to go to our pool before I left. Luckily I went before the rash broke out again. I had the pool all to myself! It was a perfect afternoon....snacks, lots of water to drink, music and a good parenting book to read. I was all set for an entire afternoon at the pool! Too bad I ended up leaving after about an hour due to having to go to the bathroom so many times from all that water I drank. Water + a big pregnant lady= lots of frequent trips to the restroom. Oh well......maybe when I get back? I'm sure my boys will all be perfectly behaved so that we can spend entire afternoons at the pool:)
Monday, July 18, 2011
Babies Shower
Not many people can say that they are having a shower for their babIES! Well, I did!!! My beautiful sisters threw me a wonderful babIES shower right before we moved to California. It was a perfect day. Full of family and close friends. It honestly could not have been any better. Time and time again that day, I was amazed by the generosity of people. Thanks to my wonderful family and close friends, I was able to have enough money to purchase all three car seats and the triple stroller that I had been DREAMING about getting but didn't think we would be able to afford. I haven't purchased those items yet, but I can't wait until I do! I also can't thank enough my friends and family that traveled to be there. You never realize how important it is to be at events such as a baby shower, bridal shower, blessing, etc. until you are the one in the spot to celebrate such an occasion. It means the world. Thanks again to all of you who came, brought gifts, or contributed in some way. Thanks to you, our boys will be safe in their car seats, enjoy the outdoors on a walk, be warm after a bath all wrapped up in their towel, entertained, and stylin' in a new outfit!
I apologize for the picture overload, but I want to document as much as possible for these boys! (Thanks to Koni for all the wonderful pictures!!!!
I apologize for the picture overload, but I want to document as much as possible for these boys! (Thanks to Koni for all the wonderful pictures!!!!
Belly Shots!
15 Weeks |
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16 Weeks |
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16 Weeks |
17 Weeks |
16 1/2 Weeks |
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17 1/2 weeks |
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12 Weeks |
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13 Weeks |
14 weeks |
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10 Weeks |
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Our First Two Weeks
Our first two weeks here have been great! We are getting familiar with the area and I am getting used to the fact that in order to go anywhere, including the grocery store, we have to take the freeway. We have also discovered that there is a Target and a Costco about seven minutes north of us. Thank goodness!!! Jacob started school on Friday, July 8th and has been busy with that ever since. Above are pictures of his first day of school! Since I am up at the crack of dawn everyday anyway, I fix breakfast for this sweet boy and take him to the bus stop at 6:15 am. His schedule is going to be pretty intense this year. Class starts at 7:45 am every morning and he is in class all day until at least 5:00pm. He stays late (9:00pm) at least two days per week to study and help assist a couple of the third year students he has become really good friends with. This first year is going to be intense, rough and I am sure overwhelming at times. However, I am sure that since I will be in St. George getting the care I need both before and after the babies are born, he will be able to focus a little better and do well. I know the time will pass by quickly for him since they will keep him so busy. I will miss this boy like crazy while I am gone, but we both really feel that this is the best decision for us; all five of us. He will be able to come out when the babies are born and to have Christmas. Is it bad that I am already looking forward to those times? More to come.....
We're Here!!!
We finally made it to California! It was a long move for us since Jacob had to do pretty much all the work himself. I had orders from the doctor to not lift, bend, crouch down, or be on my feet too often, so I was pretty much useless during the move. Of course, I took care of the meals which is a pretty important job too....right?
Thanks to the help of my sweet sister in law, Tiffany, and brother in law, Jeremiah, they made our move at least two days shorter than it would have been without them. They each spent six or seven hours at our house, packing lifting cleaning and moving boxes into the truck. I don't know what we would have done without them. Thanks Jeremiah and Tiff!!!!
Jacob was able to drive the 26ft truck, yes, I said said 26ft truck, out to San Rafael, CA with one of our really good friends Spencer. They left at midnight Friday night and arrived at about 3:00pm the next day. I, of course, was having a great time at my beautiful and sweet sisters house while my wonderful husband made the move and unloaded the truck. How did I end up with such a wonderful guy?!
I politely offered my company to Jacob to drive out with him and I believe his exact reply was, "Babe, don't take this the wrong way because you know I love you more than anything, but I don't want you to come with me. No offense but you'll turn a 16 hour drive into a 20 hour drive with all the food and bathroom stops we will have to make." He was right. I knew and he knew it. I knew I would be miserable in that huge truck anyway. Besides, it gave me a couple of extra days to hang out with my cute Buff and her darling baby Matthew!
I flew into Oakland, CA at around 9:30pm Sunday night. Our friend Spencer picked me up from the airport and we headed over to our new apartment where Jacob was already unloading our boxes. After unloading for about 1 1/2 hours, our belongings were all moved in. Spencer left and Jacob was completely wiped out from the hectic and LONG week. However, of course at 1:30 am all I can think about is how incredibly hungry I was. My boys were starving and we didn't have one crumb of food in our house. Luckily we found a Safeway down the street and got necessary items such as bread, milk, cereal to get us through until breakfast.
Finally we were home. Our first night (technically our first morning), in our new apartment. We blew up the air mattress, threw on some sheets, and quickly drifted off to sleep. Are you wondering why we are sleeping on an air mattress? Well, it's because we gave our bed away with the intentions of buying a new king size mattress when we got here. However, things have been a little more expensive and a bed is going to have to wait for a few months. And no, it is not comfortable being four months pregnant with triplets and sleeping on an air mattress. That will be changing soon though since I am off to live with my wonderful mother in law in St. George in one week!!!
I will post pictures of our apartment and the complex we live in shortly. I just wanted to get the moving story out of the way:)
After two weeks here, I can honestly say that we both LOVE it here. It is the Park City of California. We are completely surrounded by green trees, hills and beautiful flowers. I can look out our front window and see deer climbing down the mountain. We have been told that in the winter wild turkeys roam the grounds.
It was a long move. It is expensive to live here, but we both feel this is where the Lord wants us to be. Jacob has the opportunity to receive a wonderful education at one of the top dental schools in the country. It will be a great place to have our three boys. It is MUCH different than Utah, but different can be a good thing. We are excited to see what new adventures are ahead of us!
Thanks to the help of my sweet sister in law, Tiffany, and brother in law, Jeremiah, they made our move at least two days shorter than it would have been without them. They each spent six or seven hours at our house, packing lifting cleaning and moving boxes into the truck. I don't know what we would have done without them. Thanks Jeremiah and Tiff!!!!
Jacob was able to drive the 26ft truck, yes, I said said 26ft truck, out to San Rafael, CA with one of our really good friends Spencer. They left at midnight Friday night and arrived at about 3:00pm the next day. I, of course, was having a great time at my beautiful and sweet sisters house while my wonderful husband made the move and unloaded the truck. How did I end up with such a wonderful guy?!
I politely offered my company to Jacob to drive out with him and I believe his exact reply was, "Babe, don't take this the wrong way because you know I love you more than anything, but I don't want you to come with me. No offense but you'll turn a 16 hour drive into a 20 hour drive with all the food and bathroom stops we will have to make." He was right. I knew and he knew it. I knew I would be miserable in that huge truck anyway. Besides, it gave me a couple of extra days to hang out with my cute Buff and her darling baby Matthew!
I flew into Oakland, CA at around 9:30pm Sunday night. Our friend Spencer picked me up from the airport and we headed over to our new apartment where Jacob was already unloading our boxes. After unloading for about 1 1/2 hours, our belongings were all moved in. Spencer left and Jacob was completely wiped out from the hectic and LONG week. However, of course at 1:30 am all I can think about is how incredibly hungry I was. My boys were starving and we didn't have one crumb of food in our house. Luckily we found a Safeway down the street and got necessary items such as bread, milk, cereal to get us through until breakfast.
Finally we were home. Our first night (technically our first morning), in our new apartment. We blew up the air mattress, threw on some sheets, and quickly drifted off to sleep. Are you wondering why we are sleeping on an air mattress? Well, it's because we gave our bed away with the intentions of buying a new king size mattress when we got here. However, things have been a little more expensive and a bed is going to have to wait for a few months. And no, it is not comfortable being four months pregnant with triplets and sleeping on an air mattress. That will be changing soon though since I am off to live with my wonderful mother in law in St. George in one week!!!
I will post pictures of our apartment and the complex we live in shortly. I just wanted to get the moving story out of the way:)
After two weeks here, I can honestly say that we both LOVE it here. It is the Park City of California. We are completely surrounded by green trees, hills and beautiful flowers. I can look out our front window and see deer climbing down the mountain. We have been told that in the winter wild turkeys roam the grounds.
It was a long move. It is expensive to live here, but we both feel this is where the Lord wants us to be. Jacob has the opportunity to receive a wonderful education at one of the top dental schools in the country. It will be a great place to have our three boys. It is MUCH different than Utah, but different can be a good thing. We are excited to see what new adventures are ahead of us!
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