Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It's TIme for an Update

It is once again, long past time for an update.   I feel like time is going by even more quickly than ever now.  Jacob has just over one year left of school.  Yep, you heard me right.  ONE YEAR. I can't believe it!  I have been thinking a lot lately about where life will take us once we are done here.  Not that I am in any way trying to hurry it along.  Yes, having my husband home more often sounds absolutely wonderful, but thinking about the wonderful people we have met here; our friends, this gorgeous place we live, all of the wonderful things do to here.....I'm not wishing that away at all.  It has been such a good experience to be out here.  Despite the challenge of being far away from family, this has been such a fun place to be.  We have had so many great experiences, and hope to have many more before we leave.  I feel  like I have learned so much about myself.  More of the good, the bad and whatever you want to call the middle:) I have learned more about the kind of person I want to be, more about the kind of mother I want to be, more about the kind of wife I want to be.  I feel like the struggles I have experienced here are helping to refine me.  I am learning so much as the boys grow.  They are teaching me more about love, selflessness,  patience, patience, and patience again:).  I am realizing just how quickly my time with them is flying by and just how much there is to do with them, so much to teach them.  I often wonder if there is time enough to do all of that.  And then I wonder just HOW I am going to do all of that.  I am learning that I need to take advantage of every moment I have with them.  Every moment with them is precious.  Even if it doesn't seem like spending time with an incredibly ornery little boy is precious, it is.

I am realizing more and more every day just how important it is for me to have time to myself to read scriptures, pray and reflect on being a more Christlike person.  I am learning to rely on the Lord more.  I can't get through this whole 'motherhood' thing without Him.  And the beautiful thing is that he wants me, and all of us, to rely on Him more.  I feel more peaceful, and like I am a better mom when I remember to have both personal and family prayer, when I read the scriptures or even just an article out of the Ensign.  I feel like I am setting a better example for my boys when I remember to pray before we eat.  They will learn so much by example.  I want our boys to grow up to be wonderful young men and followers of Christ.  They won't learn that on their own.  Jacob and I are here to show them how to be the best they can.  It's a serious job.  I love being a wife and mom.  It's a lot of work.  Anyone who says its easy has never done it.  As crazy and exhausting as it can be, I can't wait to have more kids.  I love my family more than anything.  I have been blessed greatly with the most wonderful, sweet and thoughtful husband, and the most sweet and beautiful little boys.

Speaking of the boys, they are just as crazy and busy as ever!  Both are walking and running everywhere and are into EVERYTHING.  Lately, Drew has been throwing tantrums all day everyday.  For the last week straight.  It's getting old:)  However, he's so stinking cute and I still love him like crazy.  They are both saying "uh-oh", "thank you" and "all done".  They wave and give high five.  Sammy is into mimicking everything I do.  He even pretends to chew gum:) He LOVES to sweep the floor when I have the broom out, and they both enjoy helping me load or unload the dishwasher.  They are turning into such little boys.  I can't hardly believe just how big they are getting or how much they are learning. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Another Month Down

Seriously.  It's pretty much already February.  It can't be just yet...it was JUST Thanksgiving!!!! Although, I must say that we are VERY ready for the Spring and Summer seasons to come.  Warmer weather, blossoms, the pool, lots of walks and park days, tank tops and BBQ's.  Sounds good to me! I guess that also means my boys will be older, but I have come to the conclusion that there isn't a darn thing I can do to stop or even slow that down.  From what I hear, growing up is all part of life. 

We have been very busy over the past month.  Christmas was wonderful!  It was so nice to have Jacob home for a couple of weeks!  I realized just how awesome it is to be married again:)  I am pretty much a single parent, so I really LOVE it when Jacob is home to help. 

Jacob and Drew went to Missouri for five days right before Christmas and had a wonderful time with his brother Jared and his family, as well as his mom.  Sammy and I stayed home and had a wonderful time playing one on one, shopping, playing some more and just hanging out.  Having one child at a time is a piece of cake:) It was nice to get Jacob and Drew back home and be a family again. 

The boys got some new fun toys from family, and Jacob and I kept it simple (and cheap) and just did stockings for one another.  It was great!  I fixed us a yummy meal and we were just able to enjoy one another. 

Jacob and I also celebrated 5 years of marriage on December 29th.....WOW!!! Five years already?!  They have been the best five years ever! I am so grateful to be married to such a wonderful man!  And a big bonus for me that he's so handsome:) 

The boys are just about ready to walk.  They have each taken several steps at a time, but once they realize they are walking, they fall.  I'm sure it won't be long until they are running around like little maniacs! Sammy has completely changed and is now incredibly snugly and loves to hug and rest his head on my shoulder.  I LOVE it!  He will just come over on his own and hug my legs or rest his head on my shoulder.  Nothing like some chubby baby love:)

Drew is doing so well!  A few months ago we were so concerned that he was so far behind Sammy developmentally, but he has completely caught up overnight!  It has been so interesting to watch.  He is much more content playing by himself for several minutes at a time, while Sammy can't seem to focus on the same thing for more than two seconds.  Sammy is my curious little explorer and wants to see and do everything.  My concern now is that I am doing my job as a mom and am teaching them so that they can stretch and reach their full potential.  I am always concerned about that.....I am sure I will be for the rest of my life.  I guess that is what comes with motherhood.  I need to get them some toys and activities to help their development as well.  We have held off for so long in buying them things, but I think it's time to invest in a few items that have some sort of educational value and that will help them learn.  I am on the hunt.  Here are some pictures from the last month.  Enjoy!