Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's About Time

WOW!  I can't believe it has been so long since my last post.  Time has passed by so quickly, but slowly at the same time.  Just short of two weeks and Jacob will be here!!! After two and a half months of not seeing the boys, he will be here to hold, snuggle and love on them all he wants!!! Oh we can't wait!!! The past few weeks have been weeks of growing for the boys.  Sam now eats whenever and however much he wants.  Judging by the looks of him, I think he is eating plenty:)  He is a chubby and happy 5 pound 3 ounce baby boy and growing everyday.  It won't be long before he is out of the hospital!!! Drew is also growing and doing so well with eating!!! Usually eating is what holds babies in the NICU.  Not the Jennings boys.  They are great eaters!  Drew's issue is apnea.  He does great for the most part but still manages to squeeze in about two spells of apnea per day.  He has to stop his spells for five days straight before they will take him off his caffeine.  I don't understand why I can't just take him home back to CA and feed him one or two Mountain Dews per day.....is there a problem with that?  Totally kidding.
Breathing is all a matter of the brain.  His brain just needs to recognize when his CO2 levels are low.  Due to prematurity, it is just taking him a bit longer to recognize that 100% of the time.  Until he gets that down, we will continue living our lives in the NICU.  Hopefully soon he will grow out of it.
I have realized that my hopes of being back in CA for Christmas probably wont come true.  My new hope is that we can just be out of here at least three days before Jacob needs to be back for school.  I need to teach Jacob how to take care of these boys and we need get a routine at least somewhat established (as much as you can with twin preemie babies).  Who knows, Drew may completely make me eat my words and be outta here by December 23, but I, ironically, am not holding my breath.  Even if we are driving home New Years day, that would be great.  What better way to start off 2012 than by driving 950 miles with two precious baby boys!!! Good goal to start off the year???? I think so:)
I went back home for a whole week during Thanksgiving to spend some time with Jacob and to get the boys room put together.  Holy smokes!!! I never knew a week could pass by so quickly! I, once again, was not ready to leave by the end of the week.  However, my sweet brother Jason, and adorable nephew, Christopher, were so kind and flew out to drive back with me. I was lucky enough to spend a whole day with this sweet boy of mine...

And with this cute little one...

And eat pizza with these three boys....

At Ghirradelli Square!  We also took a stroll on the Golden Gate Bridge, which is something Jacob and I want to take the boys to do.  It is only one of the many things on our list of "fun things to do while we live in THE COOLEST PLACE ever" list.  And thanks to my trip out there, we now have an awesome double jogger stroller to take them out in!  YAY!!! I can't wait!

Meanwhile, while I was gone, these cute boys were busy growing and being the cutest little stinkers ever!

In case you can't tell, Drew and Sam look absolutely nothing alike; not even like brothers.  If you think they do, I promise you need your eyes checked because they don't.  Drew has tons and tons of bright blonde hair and has olive/bronze coloring partly because of his jaundice and partly because he has my coloring, he has an oval face, is a total mama's boy and is VERY particular.  Oh, and he LOVES to cry....its a good thing I can't get enough of him:)  I also love his sweet and strong cry.  After wondering if your child is going to survive, you learn to love the sound of their grunts, cries and changing their diapers.  Trust me, I know.

Sammy, on the other hand, is completely mellow and happy.  He rarely cries and if he does, it's because he is hungry.  Occasionally he will cry if he is trying to poop, but mostly he just grunts.  He has dirty blonde hair, a much more round face than Drew, is so chubby it makes me wonder how he breathes and makes me laugh hysterically.  Im pretty sure the nurses here think I have finally cracked and gone completely nutty because I sit in our room and laugh almost the entire time I am with the boys.  Im not joking.  Between the burps (Sam can now burp the alphabet and if you think Im joking, I'll be happy to show you in 6 months when he can have visitors), the toots (both boys are awesome in this department), the grunting, crying and trying to eat anything in sight (including high flow tubes), I am extremely entertained and can't imagine ever being bored.  I love my boys.  It has been so fun to watch their personalities unfold.  Although we don't have them home yet, I can't even begin to explain how much I love being their mother.  I can't imagine any greater calling in life than being a wife and mom.  Truly it is such a blessing. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Big Changes!!

I know I haven't been the best at keeping things updated lately.  I always think I'll get around to updating the blog, but by the time I get home and talk to Jacob on the phone, it's midnight or later and all I want to do is sleep.  There have been some big changes in the last few days with the boys.  Let me first start off by letting you all know that I took a MUCH needed trip to San Francisco to be with Jacob.  I loved every second of it!!! I missed my boys like CRAZY!!!! But I have also been missing my ever so sweet Jacob for the past few months.  My intentions were to get the boys' room at least somewhat put together.  Did I succeed?  Nope.  Not at all.  But Jacob and I had a lot of fun, so I am counting that as a success.  My trip was not relaxing in the least bit.  I was going going going just like always, but I can't even begin to explain to you how wonderful it felt to be in my own home and bring groceries back to MY home, and drive OUR car.  It was amazing.  I love our house and where we live.  I could stay there for a really long time.  I think I would like to live in our own house and not an apartment :) but I honestly don't want to leave the location.  It's perfect!! I am SO glad we have the opportunity to be out there.  We can't wait to bring the boys back and just all be together.  Anyway, it was a wonderful trip and I can't wait to go back for Thanksgiving in two weeks!!  By then the boys will be about 37 weeks and will hopefully be within a couple of weeks of coming home!!! YAY!!!  While I was in San Francisco, I was able to meet Jacob's dental school friends and their wives (LOVE them!!).  They wanted to dress up Friday night (before Halloween) and go out to eat.  Anyone who knows me knows that I don't like Halloween and I HATE dressing up.  I wasn't too excited to dress up, but decided that I needed to let loose and just enjoy it.  I picked Jacob up at 5:00pm from school in down town San Francisco and we headed to his friend's house to get our costumes.  This is what we ended up as.......

Jacob was Zorro and I was his Senorita.  We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and then walked around and took some pictures.  We even had a bunch of people pull off to the side of the road to take pictures with us.  It was quite the entertaining night!  After we dropped everyone off, we headed back home to have some treats and watch a movie.  It was wonderful!  I wasn't ready to leave Jacob, but I was so excited to see my boys.  I flew into Vegas and then drove back up to St. George.  I couldn't get there fast enough!!! I drove straight to the NICU.  I literally jumped out of the car and ran in to see my sweet little ones.  I washed up and headed back to their room to find that the nurses back a darling "Welcome Back Mommy" sign.  They had also anxiously been waiting for me to arrive because they knew I would be pleasantly surprised by what I saw!  I walked into their room and first went to Sam's bed.  I burst into tears.  He was so big!!! "Are you sure this is my baby?!!!", I asked.  "Yes! And so is this guy over here!" They said pointing to Drew.  "Oh my goodness!" was about all I could say with tears running down my face.  The nurses immediately pulled up a chair, got out some pillows and began to get the boys out for me to snuggle with.  I still couldn't believe how big they were!! Sam went from 6 liters of flow on his oxygen down to 3 and was about ready to be turned to 2 liters and start oral feedings.  Drew was on 8 liters, but that was great for him!!! I couldn't have been more pleasantly surprised.   They placed both boys in my arms and I sobbed for about 20 minutes straight.  This time it wasn't because I was sad or frustrated, but because I was so grateful for these two miracle baby boys.  "Are they really mine and Jacob's?"  I asked.  "How can I be so lucky as to have these sweet and pure babies?" I can't begin to explain how grateful I am for these boys...everyday I get emotional thinking of how blessed I feel to be their mom and to be married to the most sweet and wonderful man I have ever known.  Life is good...not just good, but beautiful, perfect and the best!  There are hard days, but that is part of life.  We are getting over a lot of our rough days and have been seeing many more good days than bad days.
                                                            Drew loves his binki

                                                                      Sam's first bottle!

Sam's first time in clothes

Sam is now eating from a bottle and takes 2 bottles per shift!  I LOVE feeding him.  It's my new hobby:) I can't wait for Drew to start taking bottles too.  They are both three pounds and are growing everyday.  Sam has quite the little personality and makes me laugh every day! Drew is much more serious, but also makes me laugh when he lies awake in his bed and looks around with his giant beautiful eyes.  I love these boys!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

As of Lately

I'll admit, this road has been a lot more difficult than we ever expected.  Jacob and I both had a completely different idea of how all this triplet stuff would turn out.  Despite all that has happened, there have been countless blessing that have also come with the sorrow.  I've been told that trials build character, shape who we are and teach us lessons.  After all is said and done, I can say that this statement is true.  Jacob and I have definitely changed in many ways.  I believe those changes have been for the better.  We have drawn closer to each other and to the Lord.  For that we are grateful. Don't get me wrong, I still have days where I breakdown and cry because I miss my precious Dalton and my loving, tender and sweet husband.  Usually it's in my bedroom at my mother in law's home or in the NICU since those are the only two places I ever am. However, I know that the wounds will heal and that time will pass.  There will be a day in the near future when the boys and I are able to go home and we can be together as a family.
One of the wonderful nurses told me the other day, "you know, you never hear the phrase in the scriptures 'And it came to stay.' It says 'And it came to pass.'" As silly as it sounds, I appreciated her light heartedness and had to agree with  her.  It WILL pass.  I want to make the best of the time I have here, close to family, and not just "wish time away". I am doing my best to enjoy this time as much as possible to see family and friends.  Once I leave, who knows when we will be back.  I will never have the same opportunities later as I do now. I appreciate all my friends who have taken me out to dinner, come over to the house to help paint baby furniture, stopped by for a visit and dropped by the hospital to bring me a cute outfit after I delivered the boys.  Their kindness has been much appreciated.  Thanks to all of you.
As of lately, the boys are doing great!!! Sam and Drew are both up to two pounds!  WAHOOOO!!!!! They are both starting to fill out and look more and more like babies everyday.  I LOVE to watch them grow.  They are starting to develop personalities.  Especially Sam!  I have a feeling he is going to be my goofy child, and I mean that with every ounce of love I have in my heart.  He makes me laugh ALL the time!  The way he sticks out his tongue, looks at me with his big beautiful eyes, pulls the happiest face I have ever seen-immediately followed by the saddest face I have ever seen, for no reason at all and even when he has SO many blowouts that he has to have a bath:).  This last week he has even started to smile at me when I talk to him.  It absolutely melts my heart! He has the craziest hair out of all three boys.  There is SO SO much of it!  It used to be an electrifying blonde, but it has toned down and is now turning dirty blonde/light brown. Sam has been on high flow oxygen for over one week now!  Jacob and I are SO proud!  We are hopeful that he will continue to progress and grow into a healthy, big and strong boy.
Drew is also doing quite well.  He has (for the fourth time) been moved onto the CPAP breathing aparatus, and seems to be tolerating it well.  Hopefully he will be able to stay on it and soon be changed to high flow.  He is also developing his personality.  I haven't seen as much of his as I have Sam because  Drew wasn't feeling so hot for a few days.  Now that they are 30 weeks (gestational age), they should hopefully be stabling out.  Drew isn't afraid to let you know if he is upset.  Yesterday while I was sitting in their room using the computer, I heard a fairly loud cry.  I ignored it because I knew it wasn't my babies because they don't cry that loudly.  I continued working on the computer and then heard the cry again.  This time it sounded like it was coming from our room.  I looked at Sam and he was peacefully sleeping, so I walked over to see Drew.  He was SCREAMING!!! He had a completely soaked diaper!  I couldn't believe I could hear him crying through his bed!  I don't mean to sound like a horrible mom, but it was so wonderful to hear my tiny boy cry! I changed his diaper and he was once again peacefully sleeping.  Drew also has big beautiful eyes just like his brothers, who take after their extremely handsome father:).   Each day the boys get older, I can see more and more what features of mine they have and what features of Jacob they have. I love looking at these beautiful boys and know that they are literally a piece of Jacob and a piece of me.  We always wondered what our children would look like and how it would be to have a baby.  The fact that we are now having the opportunity to experience those things is an overwhelming joy.  I feel so blessed to be the mother of these boys and am so grateful that Heavenly Father has trusted Jacob and me to be their parents.
A major highlight of this week was having the opportunity to hold both of my boys at the same time.  Looking down and seeing two BEAUTIFUL heads was an overwhelming joy.  As they placed baby boy number 2 in my arms, I began to cry.  Feelings of love, joy, happiness and gratitude filled my heart as I felt them move around and get settled on my chest.  I have to admit that I couldn't help but think of how much I wished I had all three of my babies to hold and love, but I was so glad to have at least the two. I am so in love with these boys and can't believe the happiness and joy they bring to me.  I apologize for all the pictures below, but this blog is more for my journaling purposes. Enjoy!
                                                Holding both of my boys for the first time!

                                                                Holding both of my boys!!!!
                                                            Drew sporting his new kicks
                                                                 Drew's CPAP face:)
                                                         Sam's nurses also double as his hair stylists
                                                                    Sam's new kicks
                                                      Sam and Drew both got new Halloween hats.
                                                                     Sam's first bath!
                                                                        Sam says hi!!

                                                          Sam smiling while I talk to him:)
                                                      Drew showing off his big beautiful eyes
                                                          The cutest baby heads I've ever seen!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Our Boys: Part Two

I wasn't able to see the boys the night they were born, so I went down first thing Monday morning and couldn't wait to see them.  My nurses helped me into a wheel chair and we headed down to the NICU.  I don't really remember much about that day, but I remember how fresh (for lack of a better word) our boys looked.  Their skin was still translucent and their eyes were fused.  I loved them so much though!  I was able to open the doors to their beds and stick my hand in.  Each of them immediately grasped onto my finger and it melted my heart.  I couldn't believe I was looking at my sweet little boys.  We had waited so long to have a baby and now we had three beautiful boys!  I spent a little more time with them and then started to hurt from my surgery and needed to rest, so we went back upstairs to my room.  I rested up a bit and before we knew it, it was time for Jacob to leave.  It broke my heart to see him go and I know he wasn't happy about it either.  We said our goodbyes and he was off.  I was crying.  I seem to be pretty good at that these days.
Thank goodness my sister was still with me.  I think I would have had a complete breakdown if she wasn't.   I honestly only remember eating lunch, resting and going to see the boys one more time that day.  The rest of the day is a blur.  Partly because of the medication I was on, but mostly because of the shock of everything that was going on.  Tuesday morning I woke up and came down to the NICU.  The second I walked in, I saw a rush of doctors head in to where Dalton and Sam were.  My heart sank.  I could tell by the way they were rushing around that something bad had happened.  I headed into the room and was told that Dalton had a brain hemorrhage.  I started crying and knew I had to hurry and get a hold of Jacob.  I called him just as he was walking to school and tried to explain what was going on.  I wasn't able to get anything out of my mouth and had to have the doctor talk to Jacob.  The shaking started up again and I could not control it.  Jacob talked to the his professors at the school while the secretary booked him the first flight out to Vegas.  One of his professors was kind enough to drive him to the airport.  He got on the plane and flew to Vegas and was able to fly directly into St. George, due to a family friend of our sweet aunt Susan.  Although Jacob got here quite quickly, it seemed like forever.  The second he walked in the door I walked to him as quickly as possible and almost collapsed in his arms, sobbing.  He held me in his arms and after a minute, we walked into Dalton's room to talk to the doctor.  Jacob and I stood by Dalton's side and watched our sweet baby boy, not knowing what was going to happen.  After a while, Dr. Rideout wanted to talk to us about Dalton's situation and what we might be able to expect. We were told that Dalton had a grade four brain hemorrhage on both sides of his brain.  Fluid was beginning to accumulate in his head and was putting pressure on his brain because blood clots were blocking the ventricles where the fluid was supposed to drain.  When the fluid has reached a certain point, a drain of some sort would need to be placed in his head to alleviate the pressure.  The means by which that drain or shunt are placed in the head are by poking needles into the area of the fluid, potentially introducing infection to his brain.  This procedure may or may not be successful.  It's hard to tell on a baby his age and size. The procedure has no guarantee that it would give him a longer time to live or if it would even work.   Jacob sat next to me, holding my hand while we were told that there was a good chance we would lose our new son.  Tears welled up in my eyes and streamed down my face.  I looked at Jacob and could tell that he wasn't having an easy time keeping his emotions inside any longer.  After the doctor left the room for us to talk about things, we sat in silence while tears rolled down our faces.  We were faced with an impossible decision.  When it comes time, do we pull him from support?  Do we proceed flying him up to Primary Children's to have the drain put in and give him a life where all he knows are needles, doctors, x-rays and hospitals?  It doesn't feel right to either one of us to make him suffer a life of misery just because WE wanted him to stay with us.  We thought long and hard about the gift of being born under the covenant and that we will be an eternal family.  No matter what happens, Dalton and his brothers will always be our sons.  An overwhelming feeling of peace and comfort came over us as we came to the conclusion that if/when that time comes where a drain is the only option, we would pull him off support and be grateful that he was born to us.  Jacob has always talked about having his first son named Dalton.  I don't believe it is coincidence that it just so happened that Dalton was the first to come out.  We had the boys named all along and new who was who according to their weights.  Dalton was always the bigger identical twin and Drew the smaller.  Over the coming weeks, Dalton would have a weekly head ultrasound to measure the progress of the hemorrhage.  We were hopeful that the hemorrhaging would stop, which it did.  However, fluid has continued to build and the clots continued to block it from draining. Jacob and I knew that with each ultrasound, we would hope for the best, but prepare for the worse.  Afterall, the doctors are doing all they can do, but we know that ultimately what is supposed to happen will happen. We are not in control.  Jacob was able to stay for an entire week.  We roomed at the hospital and pretty much spent every minute of every day in the NICU with our boys holding them and sitting with them.  It was so nice to be so close to them and only have to walk down the hall to go to bed or to go rest, which didn't happen often.  The majority of the time I didn't get more than two hours of rest.  I was so exhausted but so hyped up on adrenaline from all that had been happening.  Between visiting with the boys, holding them, having to eat and pump, not much time was left for me to rest. I hated leaving them at night. I always left with the feeling that I wanted to be right by their sides if anything happened.  The week passed by all too quickly and I had to say goodbye to my Sweet Jacob.  Although it was difficult, it was a bit easier than the time before because I knew it would only be a couple of weeks before he was back again.  We were so grateful that he was able to get a flight out of St. George and not have to drive to Vegas. The flight was more expensive, but so worth it.
I felt the next couple of weeks would drag on without Jacob here with me to get me through all the rough days I knew were ahead.  Although it has been extremely difficult, the time has passed by quickly.  I still feel like it has been forever since I have seen him, but time itself has gone by quickly.  I've had many rough days here on my own.  Days of feeling like going home to California and enjoying the dental school experience,  the city we live in and all our new friends, but most of all being a wife, mother and a complete family.
Jacob arrived on a Sunday night.  He came straight to the NICU because Dalton had been having some rough days.  Not to mention we were eager to see each other.  I was sitting in Drew's room and heard the nurses say "there he is!" and I immediately knew it had to be Jacob.  As I rushed out to see him, I burst into tears of relief and joy that he was finally here for me and the boys.  As we hugged each other tightly,  I knew that whatever was ahead of us that week, I would be able to get through it with him here.  We knew that Dalton may not be with us much longer, and that the chance of us having to pull him off support within the next few days was a good possibility.
Tuesday morning, Dalton was scheduled for a head ultrasound to see if there had been any improvements.  As soon as the ultrasound was ready, we met with Dr. Carroll to discuss the results.   It was not good.  Such a large portion of his brain had been damaged and the damaged tissue was beginning to be reabsorb.  It is an attempt the body makes to heal itself.  However, the empty space in his brain was continuing fill up with fluid that wasn't draining because of the clots that were blocking the ventricles.  Basically the plumbing in his brain had been damaged.  Once it is damaged, the only way to somewhat repair it is to put a drain or a resivor in his head.  That would mean that for the rest of his life, he would have a device in his head that would sit just outside of the skull and would collect the fluid build up.  Then, a needle would have to be poked into is his head to drain the fluid.  The problem is, every time a needle is introduced, especially into the brain, the risk of infection is very high.  Not to mention the pain.  A long term fix of the issue is called a shunt.  Dalton would be flown up to Primary Children's where the neurosurgeons would have placed a long term drain in his head with a line that would go down into the abdominal cavity to drain the fluid.  Throughout his life, he could have several shunt revisions.  This is all in addition to the severe mental and physical issues he would more than likely have.  We don't know exactly what those issues would be, but the chance of him having several severe complications was very high.
We were faced with an impossible decision.  What were we supposed to do?  The thought of not having our dear, sweet Dalton with us was more than I could take.  But were we to let him keep going on knowing that he would be in pain and know a life that was filled with doctor appointments, needles, surgeries, x-rays, MRIs and hospitals?!  It seemed cruel to us both to chose the latter.  As difficult as it was to imagine letting him go, a life of misery and pain seemed so much worse.  However, knowing that we were in control of his life was a responsibility that I didn't want.  I didn't want play God.  It didn't seem fair to have to make this decision.  However, he is our child and it IS up to us what happens to not only Dalton, but Drew and Sam as well.
We attended the Temple shortly after the ultrasound.  I didn't want to admit to myself that our triplet boys would soon be twin boys.  Although I felt so much peace about the decision we made, facing the fact that Dalton was going to survive ate me up inside.  As soon as we got back to the hospital, I walked to his bed and looked at him long and hard, as he looked up at me with his big beautiful eyes.  It was almost like he could see into my heart.  Tears ran down my face.  I just couldn't imagine not having this sweet boy to hold in my arms an snuggle with.  We informed Dr. Carroll of our final decision and he, along with all the other doctors, agreed that we were making the right decision.  We informed them that we would do it on Thursday so that we could have one more day with him and so that Jacob would be able to still make his flight and have one day at home to recouperate before having to start a new quarter at school on Monday.
After some thought, we decided it would be best to change Jacob's flight to Monday and have one more day with our sweet son.  We moved the day of ending support to Friday, the services on Saturday and Jacob's flight to Monday afternoon.  The extra day with our son was priceless.  Jacob felt okay missing the first day of class, so it was a done deal.  Wednesday and Thursday were spent almost entirely at the NICU holding and loving Dalton.  A nurse who also owned a professional photography business offered to come in and take some pictures of us holding Dalton.  These pictures are priceless to us and we are grateful she was so willing to donate her time and talents so that we can have the precious memories of our little guy.  Thursday night was spent holding Dalton.  I held him for 4 1/2 hours straight.  It was a time I will treasure for the rest of my life.  Holding my sweet baby boy for the last few hours of his life, with Jacob sitting close by me.  I held Dalton until 4:30 am.  I didn't want my time with him to end, but I knew we needed to get at least some sleep.  By the time we got back to our hospital room, It was closer to 5:00 am and we had planned to be up at 6:00 to get ready for them to bring our sweet boy into us.  I woke up at 6:00 wondering how the time had passed by so quickly.  We got dressed and ready for them to bring Dalton down to us to hold.  Jacob left around 6:50 am to inform the NICU we were ready.  The second he left, I had the most strong feeling that my mom was very near.  I hoped all along that she would be with us and be there to welcome our little Dalton home. At 7:00 am, Jacob opened the door  with the NICU team close behind with our son.  They placed Dalton in my arms as Jacob came to sit by my side.  The experience of our last moments is so special and so sacred to me that I don't want to share it at this time.  However, I KNOW my mom was there.  We savored our last couple of hours with Dalton. I still could not believe what was happening.  It just didn't seem real to me.  After Dalton was taken away, we spent some time sitting on the bed, processing all that had happened.  After a while, we decided that we needed some fresh air.  We walked across the street and took a stroll around the Temple.  It was a beautiful day and although I have always thought the St. George Temple was beautiful, I looked at it differently.  It seemed SO much more beautiful and meaningful to me.  Jacob and I spent the entire day together, just the two of us.  We didn't spend any time at the NICU.  We needed a break.  After our walk, Jacob took a long nap while I took care of some other things and had a break down or two. We went to dinner at one of my new favorite places, 25 Main.  The whole time we were there, Jacob and I had the same thought running through our heads.  "People have NO idea what our day has been like and what took place today", it couldn't stop running through my mind.  It seemed so strange to go out to dinner when just hours before, we said goodbye to our baby boy.  But we needed to get out together without anyone else. We needed some time to just be us.
The next morning we woke up and drove to the mortuary to dress Dalton.  The mortician lead us back to where Dalton was and opened the door.  There was our little guy, all wrapped up in white.  I burst into tears I walked over to him and touched his sweet face.  He looked so different without tubes in his mouth and without his sweet spirit to fill that tiny little body.  He was gone.  It is amazing to me to see just how much the spirit brings to a body.  It completely changes a person.  Jacob and I carefully dressed him and said our final goodbyes as we placed a tiny gold ring on his finger.  Each of his brothers has a gold ring identical to the one we left with Dalton.  I also have one as a tribute and memory of our Dalton.  Of all places to go right after an experience like this, we went to McArthur Jewelers to get a gold chain for the tiny ring.  We then headed off to the cemetary for the services that had been prepared on behalf of Dalton.  We kept the invitation open to family only.  I was shocked by how many people had taken the time to come support us at this time.  Jacob and I are so grateful for all the support we have received from not just family, but by friends and even strangers.  It has been much appreciated and we have felt of everyone's love for us and our sweet boys.  After the services, we went back to the house to shower and head back to the hospital to rest.  Neither of us felt like being at the house, but wanted to be back where our boys were and where we knew we would have some time to be together.  We again went out to dinner that night so that we could be alone.  We enjoyed our time together.  It was what we needed after all that had happened and because we had been apart for so long.  Sunday came and went all too quickly.  We weren't ready for Monday to come and to have to say goodbye once again.  This whole saying goodbye, distance and single parent thing stinks.  I don't recommend it to anyone.  Because Jacob flew out of Las Vegas, I decided I wanted to drive down with him so that we could have a few extra hours together.  It was the shortest drive to Las Vegas I have ever experienced.  We met up with his wonderful aunt Susan at her house.  She kindly took us out to lunch and then it was off to the airport.  Before I knew it, I was saying goodbye to my Sweet Boy (once again).....seriously, this is getting old.  I cried as soon as I got back in the car.  "How on earth am I going to keep doing this without him here", I thought.  Susan came to the rescue and treated me to the most wonderful pedicure I have ever had.  I was in heaven the entire time. We then headed back to her beautiful home where we visited and did a whole lot of nothing; and it felt wonderful!!! We ate dinner later that night, watched a bit of tv and then went to bed.  The NICU nurses sent me texts and pictures throughout the night to reassure me that the boys were doing well.  They are so sweet!!! It helped me relax and I was able to get a good solid 5 hours of sleep in.  I haven't slept that well since I was very very first pregnant, before I got really sick.  The sleep was heavenly. Just what I needed (besides my husband:)). We woke up early and headed back to SG.  I couldn't wait to get back to my boys!!!
Things have settled down a bit, but I still have days where I breakdown and just have to cry.  I miss my Dalton and I miss my husband.  I know that one day this will all be over.  I can't wait for that day.  However, until then, I need to get through our remaining time here and not just get through it, but try my hardest to enjoy the time I have here.  I honestly think it will be a LONG time before I am able to come back after all this is over.  Despite the joy of having my sweet boys in SG, there has been so much trauma and heartache that I don't think I can see this place until that wound has some time to heal.  Not to mention that as soon as I am home, I won't want to go anywhere.  I just want to be home with my own little family. We are still trying to get used to the fact that we have twins now instead of triplets.  It seems so strange and I am not used to it one bit.
We are so very grateful to our Heavenly Father for the time we were able to spend with Dalton.  He has a strong little spirit and put up a good fight.  We both feel that the Lord was able to carry out His Will in the most gentle way possible.  We are grateful for the tender mercy of having our sweet boy and knowing that he will be our son forever.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Our Boys:Part One

The past few days have been a complete whirlwind of completely unexpected events. I'm not even quite sure where to begin.

Saturday morning, August 28, was like any other morning.  I woke up feeling pretty good despite my lack of sleep, and was ready to get showered and ready for the day.  After breakfast, my mother in law and I decided to go to Costco.  Although I knew I didn't want to be on my feet for a long time, Costco was always a fun outing and I was good to not stay for too long.  I had been feeling recently that I needed to stay off my feet more and more, but needed to move around a bit to have some circulation through my body.

We shopped, enjoyed some free samples and headed home so that I could rest and get some lunch.  I was actually quite proud of myself because the previous three Saturdays were spent in the hospital due to my being extremely nervous about the boys because I thought I couldn't feel them move as much.  This particular Saturday they were all moving a ton, so I was confident that everything was great. The day went on just like any normal day.  We returned home from Costco, I grabbed some lunch and sat down to relax for a bit.  Jacob's family was in town, so the afternoon was spent visiting with them and enjoying some time together.

As the night approached, I headed upstairs to get ready for bed.  Since I had not yet purchased the stroller that I have been wanting to get the boys, I decided to spend some time looking at strollers and reading reviews.  At around 11:20, I felt a huge gush of water. I quickly jumped out of bed praying that my water had not just broken.  As I stood up, I felt another huge gush of water.  I quickly ran downstairs and yelled to my mother in law that we had to get the the hospital immediately because my water had just broken. She dropped what she was doing and jumped in the car.  I picked up my shoes but was so shaky that I couldn't put them on (they were flip flops-do shoes get any easier to put on)?

I was shaking and crying hysterically.  All I could think of was the babies and wondering if I was going to lose them.  I called Jacob and let him know what was happening and asked him to call my sister and to also call our friends to come help with a blessing.  I was also able to get ahold of my brother and ask him to come be with me and give me a blessing.  Without hesitation, he immediately came to be with me.    As we pulled up to the hospital, I jumped out of the car without it stopping completely and ran in.  I didn't have any shoes on and was in a pair of gym shorts and a tank top.  As we ran in, I could feel a ton of water not just leaking but gushing out.  I was an absolute basket case.  As soon as I got inside, the nurses got my dressed in a gown, on a bed and hooked up to several IVs and a magnesium drip to help stop contractions.  I was still shaking uncontrollably.  The only words I was able to get out of my mouth between the crying and shaking was "my babies, my babies.  Are my babies okay?"  I was completely terrified that they weren't going to make it.

An ultrasound machine was wheeled into my room along with heart monitors for the boys.  They did and ultrasound first to make sure all three boys were still okay.  A huge relief came over me when I saw each of my boys moving around.  Although the fluid around Dalton was practically gone, he was still in there and was moving around.  Sam and Drew were perfectly fine.  I was then hooked up to a heart monitor for each of the boys.  Listening to their heartbeats was music to my ears.  As soon as we were certain that each of the boys were okay, my brother and friends gave me a blessing.

Still completely shaky, the doctor assured me that the boys were okay and that it would be best for me and the boys if I was able to calm down because it would help slow the leak of the fluid.  I was trying my hardest but had so much adrenaline pumping through me that I couldn't completely stop. We also learned that the sack was torn on the bottom and it would most likely not heal.  However, it was very likely that if I stayed on strict hospital bedrest, I could get several days or even weeks before the boys had to be delivered.  Lori called Jacob to give him and update.  She handed the phone to me and I immediately started to cry again, wishing so badly that he was there with me.

My sweet brother, David, and mother in law, Lori, stayed with me through the night.  David left around 4 in the morning so that he could get some rest before having to be at church.  Things seemed to have calmed down a bit so he felt comfortable leaving.  I am so grateful for such a sweet brother who was so willing to stay with me through the night.  I wasn't able to get any rest during the night and felt completely exhausted.  I had a few visitors in the morning which was nice because it helped pass some time by.  The nurses came in frequently to check my vitals and take my temperature.  As the day progressed, I began showing signs of a fever.  They quickly gave me a steroid shot to help develop the babies lungs, if I ended up delivering.  Up to this point, I felt very confident that I would be able to hold off on delivering the boys....after all, this was not how this was supposed to happen (at least according to our plan).

An hour or so passed and the belief that I was getting an infection grew more and more concerning. The doctor (Dr. Ellis) came in and informed me that they were thinking that I might need to deliver that night, but that they would continue to watch it for the next few hours.  Lori called Jacob and told him that he needed to hurry and get a flight out because the possibility of delivery was growing more and more likely.

I began getting more and more anxious and nervous about what was going to happen.  The doctor came in again and asked how I was feeling.  Although I had been feeling just fine, my fever continued to rise.  and the decision was made that the babies had to come that night.  The Perinatologist came in to talk to me about the survival rates of babies born as early as our boys were going to be born.  I put Jacob on speaker so that he would know what was going on.  I was crying and not in a state of mind to pass on information as critical as knowing the survival rates.  Dr. Carol began talking to us and I tried my hardest to not have another breakdown.   We didn't like what we were hearing.  The survival rates for twins was not good, let alone triplets.  My fear of losing the babies was starting taking me over and I was once again a complete wreck.  I tried to calm myself knowing that Jacob was on his way, but I couldn't help it.   Why was this happening?  Everything had been going so well and there were never any concerns with the health of me or the babies.  Up to this point, and besides the nasty pregnancy rash I had, this pregnancy had been smooth sailing.

Thankfully my sister was right by my side helping me calm down.  I was then told that there was no doubt that the babies were going to be born that night and that it needed to happen within the next few  minutes.  At that point, Jacob was about 30 minutes outside of St. George.  They tried to hold off until he arrived or at least until he got a bit closer, but they didn't feel comfortable waiting that long.  They rolled me into the OR and began prepping me for the c-section.  As they rolled me into the room, I was greeted by a crowd of nurses and doctors standing by to take the babies as they were pulled out. Most of their faces were a blur, but I remember my thought was "thank you for being here to save my boys".  I received the spinal, which thankfully was not as bad as I had expected.  They scrubbed my stomach and tested to see if I was numb enough to start.  My sister walked in, all gowned up, to sit by my head as they started the c-section until Jacob arrived.  They started cutting and before I knew it, I heard the doctor say "the first baby is out!  Look to the left!".  I looked to the left and saw a tiny baby boy and heard a faint little cry as they whisked our little Dalton by to clean him up and take care of him.  "He cried! Oh my boy is alive!" I was so relieved that he cried and that he apparently had lungs that were strong for his age.

My sister talked to me constantly to keep my mind distracted as they went in for the next baby.  I felt some pulling and tugging going on and before I knew it, baby boy number 2, Samuel, was out.  I didn't see him because my  mind was such a blur, but he cried and I was again relieved that boy number 2 was alive.

"Jacob is out in the parking lot!" I heard my sister say.  As soon as I heard that, all I could think about was how excited I was that he was there.  I hadn't seen him for so long and honestly sometimes I began to wonder if he was real or just a dream.  I could hardly imagine him being there with me.  As he rushed in the hospital and washed up, they pulled boy number 3, Drew, out.  "Did he cry?!"  I asked.  "Yes!"  I heard Elizabeth say.  "Here is Jacob!  I'm going to trade places with him okay?"  Elizabeth said again.  I immediately looked over towards the door and saw my sweet sweet husband walking towards me.  I began crying. So relieved and so grateful to have him here with me.  I remember that as soon as I could reach him, I reached for his hands and placed them on my face.  Between all the medication and the chaos of what happened that night, I really did feel like I was dreaming.  Jacob sat right next to me as I was being put back together and sewed up.

I don't remember everything I said or exactly what I did while I was being sewed up.  I only remember being so grateful that the boys were alive and that they cried and that Jacob was there to welcome our boys into the world with me.

I was taken to the Recovery Room where I remained until I was able to move my legs on my own.  I was so groggy from the medicine and don't remember much of what happened in there besides David, Koni, Lori and Elizabeth coming to see me, and Jacob being right next to me.

When I was finally able to move my legs, I was taken to a hospital room so that I could get some rest. Jacob stayed behind so that he could go see the boys.  I was completely exhausted by the time he got back to the room and only remember him telling me a few things about the boys.  Soon after, I was asleep, but so glad that I was with all four of my boys. Part Two will be coming shortly......

Drew with mom and dad                           

                                                        Moments like these are priceless:)

                                                                 Sammy and Me

                                                 Samuel Hunter Jennings-1 pound 9 ounces

                                 Drew sporting his new hat made by one of our wonderful nurses

                                                               Drew Oliver Jennings

                                                                     Sam and Me

                                                             Dalton James Jennings

                                                     Snuggling with my Sammy:)

                                                                   Sweet little Dalton

                                                            Jacob snuggling with Sam

Jacob watching over Drew

                                               We have spent many in the NICU like this

                                                                   Jacob and Drew


                                                                 Jacob and Dalton

Me, Jacob (holding Dalton)

My first time snuggling with Dalton