Monday, January 23, 2012

Funny Boy

It is 1:00 am and I can't sleep.  Why? Maybe it's because I am anxious to go home to California and actually live with my husband. And introduce our boys to all the lovliness San Francisco has to offer. Or maybe it's because my mind wanders one million miles and hour thinking of all the things I want to do or thoughts of the person I want to become or the mother I want/need to be.

At this very moment it is because my five month old son who is sleeping in his crib next to me sounds like a wild boar.  Im not kidding you.  This kid doesn't JUST grunt.  I'm actually not quite sure how to describe the noises he makes.  All I know is that they are loud.  And very un-human like.  On top of that, he has a serious case of the toots.  Am I completely immature to just sit and laugh at him?  Oh well if I am.....

And that's only a couple of the reasons why our Sammy is a funny boy.



Sunday, January 22, 2012

A New Beginning

In my last post, I indicated that the whole blogging thing hadn't been going as well as I had intended when I started it.  I also noted that there would be some changes coming.  Well my friends, the time has come.  I don't know if anyone even reads this, or really even cares.  Regardless, I am making the changes, even if it is just for me.  You see, I feel with all that has gone on the past 6 months, (yes, that is how long all "this" has lasted) I need somewhat of a "new beginning" or a fresh start.  Besides, with the new year and all, isn't it the perfect time for a change?  I think so.  With that said, (I guess written would be more appropriate) I am ready to do things a bit differently around here.  

For starters, this blog is not going to be solely about our sweet baby boys.  I need to mix things up a bit.  I have decided that in order to make blogging more enjoyable, I am going to post about everyday life.  This means my posts might be a delicious recipe I made, something funny or interesting, something that has been on my mind, a project I made or anything else I feel is noteworthy.  Yes, I think that is the change I need with this blog.  Besides, isn't variety the spice of life?  I think so....

Over the next few weeks, months and year, I would like to refine my skills in many areas.  Particularly my photography skills (okay, I don't think I even have any photography skills to refine), cooking skills (I absolutely LOVE to cook, bake and be in the kitchen in general...L.O.V.E it), sewing skills, wife/mother/sister/friend skills (is that such a thing?!  In my book it is), and this blog will be used as a place to document those things. 

Basically, this blog will be whatever I am in the mood to make of it that day.  So I hope you enjoy it.  If not, sorry.

And so it begins.  Out with the old and in with the new!  Yay for new beginnings!



Friday, January 20, 2012

Catching Up

Okay, so this whole blogging thing isn't going as well as I had planned.  I have been trying to catch up on everything, but kept putting it off.  Why? Because our Sammy came home!!! I am now the mother of one child at home and one in the NICU.  And it is NUTS!  Sammy came home on December 11 and we are hopeful that Drew will be out in the next week or two, but who knows.  He is doing well, just struggling with some apnea issues that he needs to outgrow.  When I brought Sam home, he weighed in at 5 pounds 15 ounces.  "What does he weigh now?", you ask.  8 pounds 10 ounces!  And he grows more and more everyday!  I always knew I would love being a mom, but I never imagined just how incredibly much! It is by far the MOST rewarding and enjoyable role!  I know it will be twice as rewarding when Drew gets home.  I can honestly say that I love waking up with him in the middle of the night to feed him.  He is chubby and squishy and oh so kissable!  Who wouldn't love snuggling with a chubby baby?! Although I had originally planned on being home in CA for Christmas, we ended up spending it in St. George at Jacob's mom's house.  It was so nice to have Jacob for two whole weeks! He was able to see the boys for the first time in 2 1/2 months. I'm pretty sure there was some major father/son bonding going on in those two weeks.  I think Jacob finally feels like a father now. Yay for that!  I feel like WAY too much has gone on for me to document at this point, so we will call it even by posting a bunch of pictures instead:) I hope you're the type of person who likes that kind of thing...'cause that's all you're getting this time around.  Enjoy!
   Best buds-or at least they will be soon.

                 Drew has the cutest little body! It's pretty much impossible for me to not kiss him all over.

      That's one proud and perfectly content dad. And a handsome one too:)

  Snuggle time for Drew and the mama.

Drew passed his car seat test!

       If you thought holding one snuggly baby was the best, try holding two. It's even better.  Trust me.

 If you're wondering if this baby boy is as cute in person as he is in this picture, he is.  Just sayin'......
 All decked out for Santa's Christmas Eve visit!

My most wonderful sister Koni and her new sweet baby Garrett.  If you could only see just how sweet,         squishy and kissable he really is:)  I'm in love with him.

FYI- I have big plans for this blog.  I'm talking HUGE, GIGANTIC, ENORMOUS....okay not really that big, but I am going to be making changes regarding the format and style of this blog.  And soon.  I just need to get my act together.  So stay tuned.

P.S.- I know the format of the blog is all messed up....Im working on some changes and that's one of them I'll make.  Just be patient:)