So here I am at 22 weeks. I am feeling these little guys move all the time and I LOVE it! I am so relieved that everything is looking great so far and hope that things continue to go that way. I am now counting down the weeks until these little guys come for a few different reasons. I can't wait to get rid of this rash. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be normal again. I can't wait to see my Sweet Jacob. I miss him terribly! And I of course can't wait to hold these little guys in my arms and kiss their little cheeks! It has been fun being in St. George and seeing so many people I hardly ever got to see before. However, I am looking forward to going back to San Francisco and being a family with all four of my boys.
I ordered their car seats and they came a lot sooner than expected! I love seeing three little car seats in a row and know that our little guys will soon be in them! I am in the process of making car seat covers for them. As soon as they are done I will post a picture. So far I am really liking how they are turning out! It is taking me a lot longer than expected to make them...I don't have the energy to do things like I am used to! I will eventually finish them before the babes come.
The other week I went to my brother and sister in laws home for FHE. They have three adorable kids who were so cute during the lesson! It made me so excited to have FHE as a family with my boys! Jacob told me that Sacrament meeting in our ward in CA was a circus because of all the little boys in that ward and that he couldn't wait to have our boys....I love to hear him say that! He is going to be such a great dad!
Nothing too eventful has happened since my last post. I still have a growing belly, still have this nasty rash, still eat constantly, still love to feel my boys move around! I guess it is a good thing that there isn't too much to report.....I would rather have an uneventful pregnancy than one that is full of surprises.
Jacob and I both feel very blessed to have had everything go so well. Especially with such a high risk pregnancy.
I go into the doctor tomorrow and I can't wait! My beautiful sister is in town and is going to take me. As strange as it sounds, I would go in for an appointment everyday if they would let me. It is my favorite thing to have an ultrasound and see my little guys! I cry every time I see them because they are such miracle little babies. Jacob and I waited so long to have a baby and now that we are getting three sweet boys at one time is nothing short of a miracle and blessing from our Heavenly Father. I hope that I can be a good mother. I had the perfect mother as an example and will try my best to follow in her footsteps.
I think everyday about how much my mom would love to be here with us and hold and play with all of her grand kids. I know she is and will be close by when I deliver these boys. And hope that she will be proud of the parents Jacob and I will be.
The Hunter family will have added five baby boys to the gang within one year! My sister in law is also expecting a baby boy in January and my sister had a boy in April. So fun!
Here is to hoping that August and September will pass by just a little bit more quickly!
Koni is having a boy? yay! I am going out of town this week but when I get back I have plans to come over again and we can get sewin! I'll call ya!