I am one lucky girl to have this boy. Not only is he handsome, but he is also such a wonderful husband and father. I know most women say that about their husbands. However, I mean it. I couldn't have married anyone more perfect for me that this boy. I am so proud of him and all the hard work he puts into school.
Also, my beautiful and wonderful sister and her darling family were on their way back to Utah from Oregon and they decided to drop in for a quick visit!!! I haven't seen her since January....basically that is an eternity for us, so you can imagine how excited we were to have them spend the night with us. Isn't her son, Matthew so darn cute?! I already miss those cute, chubby and oh so kissable cheeks! And those eyes and eye lashes?! BEAUTIFUL! Thanks Elizabeth and Jeremiah for taking the time to come see us! Every second was enjoyed!
(Matthew 15 months, Drew and Sammy 11 months)
Big news at our house- Sammy is crawling and is into EVERYTHING!!! I love watching him get around! It's a one armed Army/gimp crawl, but he gets where he wants to go. And quick! He is pretty proud of himself and loves to get into the shoe basket and pull out all the shoes, pull out the DVDs and anything that looks like a cord. Oh I love him! He crawls around with a giant smile on his face! He is such a happy boy and laughs all the time. I can't get enough of him!
Drew is secretly a clown. You'd never guess it by the serious look he has on his face most of the time, but he is. He growls at me all the time. Especially when he is eating. He lets me know when I am not getting food in his mouth fast enough or if he wants more after its gone. He has also been into yelling and humming lately. It's pretty funny until he gets so loud that it hurts your ears:) He loves to be held, entertained and loved on. We love him so much!!!