Breathing is all a matter of the brain. His brain just needs to recognize when his CO2 levels are low. Due to prematurity, it is just taking him a bit longer to recognize that 100% of the time. Until he gets that down, we will continue living our lives in the NICU. Hopefully soon he will grow out of it.
I have realized that my hopes of being back in CA for Christmas probably wont come true. My new hope is that we can just be out of here at least three days before Jacob needs to be back for school. I need to teach Jacob how to take care of these boys and we need get a routine at least somewhat established (as much as you can with twin preemie babies). Who knows, Drew may completely make me eat my words and be outta here by December 23, but I, ironically, am not holding my breath. Even if we are driving home New Years day, that would be great. What better way to start off 2012 than by driving 950 miles with two precious baby boys!!! Good goal to start off the year???? I think so:)
I went back home for a whole week during Thanksgiving to spend some time with Jacob and to get the boys room put together. Holy smokes!!! I never knew a week could pass by so quickly! I, once again, was not ready to leave by the end of the week. However, my sweet brother Jason, and adorable nephew, Christopher, were so kind and flew out to drive back with me. I was lucky enough to spend a whole day with this sweet boy of mine...
And with this cute little one...
And eat pizza with these three boys....
At Ghirradelli Square! We also took a stroll on the Golden Gate Bridge, which is something Jacob and I want to take the boys to do. It is only one of the many things on our list of "fun things to do while we live in THE COOLEST PLACE ever" list. And thanks to my trip out there, we now have an awesome double jogger stroller to take them out in! YAY!!! I can't wait!
Meanwhile, while I was gone, these cute boys were busy growing and being the cutest little stinkers ever!
In case you can't tell, Drew and Sam look absolutely nothing alike; not even like brothers. If you think they do, I promise you need your eyes checked because they don't. Drew has tons and tons of bright blonde hair and has olive/bronze coloring partly because of his jaundice and partly because he has my coloring, he has an oval face, is a total mama's boy and is VERY particular. Oh, and he LOVES to cry....its a good thing I can't get enough of him:) I also love his sweet and strong cry. After wondering if your child is going to survive, you learn to love the sound of their grunts, cries and changing their diapers. Trust me, I know.
Sammy, on the other hand, is completely mellow and happy. He rarely cries and if he does, it's because he is hungry. Occasionally he will cry if he is trying to poop, but mostly he just grunts. He has dirty blonde hair, a much more round face than Drew, is so chubby it makes me wonder how he breathes and makes me laugh hysterically. Im pretty sure the nurses here think I have finally cracked and gone completely nutty because I sit in our room and laugh almost the entire time I am with the boys. Im not joking. Between the burps (Sam can now burp the alphabet and if you think Im joking, I'll be happy to show you in 6 months when he can have visitors), the toots (both boys are awesome in this department), the grunting, crying and trying to eat anything in sight (including high flow tubes), I am extremely entertained and can't imagine ever being bored. I love my boys. It has been so fun to watch their personalities unfold. Although we don't have them home yet, I can't even begin to explain how much I love being their mother. I can't imagine any greater calling in life than being a wife and mom. Truly it is such a blessing.