I know I haven't been the best at keeping things updated lately. I always think I'll get around to updating the blog, but by the time I get home and talk to Jacob on the phone, it's midnight or later and all I want to do is sleep. There have been some big changes in the last few days with the boys. Let me first start off by letting you all know that I took a MUCH needed trip to San Francisco to be with Jacob. I loved every second of it!!! I missed my boys like CRAZY!!!! But I have also been missing my ever so sweet Jacob for the past few months. My intentions were to get the boys' room at least somewhat put together. Did I succeed? Nope. Not at all. But Jacob and I had a lot of fun, so I am counting that as a success. My trip was not relaxing in the least bit. I was going going going just like always, but I can't even begin to explain to you how wonderful it felt to be in my own home and bring groceries back to MY home, and drive OUR car. It was amazing. I love our house and where we live. I could stay there for a really long time. I think I would like to live in our own house and not an apartment :) but I honestly don't want to leave the location. It's perfect!! I am SO glad we have the opportunity to be out there. We can't wait to bring the boys back and just all be together. Anyway, it was a wonderful trip and I can't wait to go back for Thanksgiving in two weeks!! By then the boys will be about 37 weeks and will hopefully be within a couple of weeks of coming home!!! YAY!!! While I was in San Francisco, I was able to meet Jacob's dental school friends and their wives (LOVE them!!). They wanted to dress up Friday night (before Halloween) and go out to eat. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't like Halloween and I HATE dressing up. I wasn't too excited to dress up, but decided that I needed to let loose and just enjoy it. I picked Jacob up at 5:00pm from school in down town San Francisco and we headed to his friend's house to get our costumes. This is what we ended up as.......

Jacob was Zorro and I was his Senorita. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and then walked around and took some pictures. We even had a bunch of people pull off to the side of the road to take pictures with us. It was quite the entertaining night! After we dropped everyone off, we headed back home to have some treats and watch a movie. It was wonderful! I wasn't ready to leave Jacob, but I was so excited to see my boys. I flew into Vegas and then drove back up to St. George. I couldn't get there fast enough!!! I drove straight to the NICU. I literally jumped out of the car and ran in to see my sweet little ones. I washed up and headed back to their room to find that the nurses back a darling "Welcome Back Mommy" sign. They had also anxiously been waiting for me to arrive because they knew I would be pleasantly surprised by what I saw! I walked into their room and first went to Sam's bed. I burst into tears. He was so big!!! "Are you sure this is my baby?!!!", I asked. "Yes! And so is this guy over here!" They said pointing to Drew. "Oh my goodness!" was about all I could say with tears running down my face. The nurses immediately pulled up a chair, got out some pillows and began to get the boys out for me to snuggle with. I still couldn't believe how big they were!! Sam went from 6 liters of flow on his oxygen down to 3 and was about ready to be turned to 2 liters and start oral feedings. Drew was on 8 liters, but that was great for him!!! I couldn't have been more pleasantly surprised. They placed both boys in my arms and I sobbed for about 20 minutes straight. This time it wasn't because I was sad or frustrated, but because I was so grateful for these two miracle baby boys. "Are they really mine and Jacob's?" I asked. "How can I be so lucky as to have these sweet and pure babies?" I can't begin to explain how grateful I am for these boys...everyday I get emotional thinking of how blessed I feel to be their mom and to be married to the most sweet and wonderful man I have ever known. Life is good...not just good, but beautiful, perfect and the best! There are hard days, but that is part of life. We are getting over a lot of our rough days and have been seeing many more good days than bad days.

Drew loves his binki
Sam's first bottle!
Sam's first time in clothes
Sam is now eating from a bottle and takes 2 bottles per shift! I LOVE feeding him. It's my new hobby:) I can't wait for Drew to start taking bottles too. They are both three pounds and are growing everyday. Sam has quite the little personality and makes me laugh every day! Drew is much more serious, but also makes me laugh when he lies awake in his bed and looks around with his giant beautiful eyes. I love these boys!!!